Civics or Structure? Revisiting the Origins of Democratic Quality in the Italian Regions


Frederick Solt


June 30, 2004

  • Solt, Frederick. 2004. “Civics or Structure? Revisiting the Origins of Democratic Quality in the Italian Regions.” British Journal of Political Science 34(1):123-135.

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    What determines the responsiveness and effectiveness of democratic governments in meeting their citizens’ needs?  Based on his 1993 study of the twenty Italian regions, Robert Putnam argued that ‘civic community,’ a self-reinforcing syndrome of social engagement and political participation, is the explanation.  A re-examination of Putnam’s data reveals little evidence of such a syndrome, but confirms that where more citizens participate in politics outside of networks of clientelistic exchange, more effective democratic government results.  To discern the causes of variation in this self-motivated political participation, I test Putnam’s measures of social engagement against aspects of Italian socio-economic structure.  Economic development and the historical distribution of land, not social engagement, are found to be powerful predictors of self-motivated political participation and in turn democratic quality.

    BibTeX Citation

        author = {Solt, Frederick},
        journal = {British Journal of Political Science},
        number = {1},
        pages = {123-135},
        title = {Civics or {S}tructure? {R}evisiting the {O}rigins of {D}emocratic {Q}uality in the {I}talian {R}egions},
        volume = {34},
        year = {2004}}